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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Openti Bioscope

Sing Along Play Game

Played mainly by girls, the game calls for two payers to face each other and form an arc with their hands as the others pass under it forming queue line holding shoulder of the preceding one and reciting the nonsense rhyme -

"Openti bioscope
 nine ten teiscop
 sultana bibiana
 shaheb babur boithok khana
 raj barite jete
 pan supari khete
 paner agay morich bata
 is-springer chabi aata
 jar nam Renu Mala
 tare debo muktar mala"

When the rhyme ends the girl under the arc is caught to left aside and the others rejoice.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. I remembered only the first two lines now I can recite and play with my 1 yr old.

  2. Thank you. Same here I used play with this rhyme when I was little. Now playing and singing with my one year old. Xx

  3. I honestly forgot about this game until I came across this blog! Thank you!

  4. Oof! I tried hard and hard to remember the 2nd line! Thank you

  5. Thank you Chaderburi! for uploading the forgotten Rhymes. I am recalling old memories with my sisters & childhood friends. I have copied it.
