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Thursday, 2 June 2011

Iching Biching

Jumping game

A favourite of the girls, the game is spiced up by building blocks with hands and feet, over which players must jump over to win. Very energetic game. After jumping all four hands of the two sitting 'chor's, they spread their legs apart sitting, touching one another's feet. The players then jump criss-cross over the spread legs along with the non-sense rhyme:
"Iching biching chiching cha
  projapati ure ja."


Game of tag

Also known as Ha-du-du, it is the national sport of Bangladesh. It is played in 2 teams of 10, and is favoured by adults and children alike. On start, a player making a continuous sound (usually kabadi-kabadi or ha-du-du-du) tries to touch as many rival player as he can without losing his breath. The team that has touched most player wins. Speed, strength, breath are the key qualities a player have to have to win this game.

Nouka Baich

Boat race/ Rowing

Traditionally a sport of technique and prowess, it is often played competitively on the occasion of fairs and pujas. The boats used in racing do not have masts or sails. The agility and strength of the punters and the helmsman are the deciding factors in the game.

Morog Lorai

Cock fight

This wrestle between gramecocks is a bloddy sport held in game rings called cockpits. The game, also famous in other parts of the world, is banned in many paces these days.

Shar-er Lorai

Bull fight

Organized with a great deal of fanfare and music, this folk game combines relaxation with amusement for all. Bulls are pitted against one another to find our which one will rein the court. Although no longer performed by urbanites, this sport is still in good books of rural folks.